mardi, septembre 02, 2014

Devinette - qu'est-ce que je fais comme métier?

Postez vos déscriptions ici.  Et n'oubliez pas de ne pas ajouter le titre du métier!


jeudi, novembre 28, 2013

Les devoirs du 29 novembre

Following on from our translation practice today, here's a little flashcard exercise for you to improve your skills.

If you like this way of practising your French, you can download the app and create your own exercises to help you revise!

There's a link to quizlet on the exam blog!

Enjoy :-)

vendredi, novembre 15, 2013

Materials to help with your formal letter

1.  vocab list on jobs and tasks

2. qualities

3.  formal letter vocab - for all sections inc. samples

Please also refer to the vocab you have gathered and the tasks we have done in class relating to describing a job, describing the characteristics you need to have for certain jobs, describing your personality, etc.

Bon weekend x

jeudi, novembre 07, 2013

Homework for 8.11.13 - post responses here...

Choose a job you would like to do. Describe the job and choose 3 aspects of your personality you think would be important for this job. Write about each one, ensuring you can give evidence to back up your claims.

dimanche, octobre 06, 2013

Practise writing an application letter...

Make sure you know what the format of 'une lettre de motivation' should be...

Practise one here - this interactive version shows you the correct layout and explains what you need to put in each bit...

Here's a practice exercise too!  Click here...

jeudi, octobre 03, 2013

Correction code

A few of you were asking about the correction code - here's a copy for you to download...

Enjoy :-)

correction code

lundi, septembre 23, 2013

CV - les devoirs pour vendredi 4 octobre

Here's a CV template for you to use.  Feel free to change it to suit your needs.

Enjoy!  :-)