mercredi, août 30, 2006

Grammar Chat

Si vous avez des problèmes avec la grammaire, on peut en discuter ici! :-) Et n'oubliez pas de télécharger les verbcasts de 'itunes' - et dites-moi ce que vous en pensez!

Si non... je ne serai pas contente!

5 commentaires:

Madame Levens a dit…

The perfect tense
Okay, let's share any problems we're having or any good ideas that'll help us learn this tense. Remember, we're all in this together!

Madame Levens a dit…

Don't forget to listen to the Verbcast on the perfect tense. Check out the website for details ;-)

Madame Levens a dit…

Present tense verbcast available for download - check the link on the webpage. If you're on i-tunes you can search for verbcasts and download the lot. Remember - your eyes are getting heavy..............

Madame Levens a dit…

Ok, here's some practice sentences for you. First identify whether imperfect or conditional, then decide on the infinitive you're going to use, then get the right subject and ending!

1. I was talking
2. she used to listen
3. my mum would watch
4. they were going
5. you would buy
6. she would go *
7. he would do *
8. my dad and me used to sing
9. I would want to *
10. we should
Just watch the * - these are irregular.

Post your answers - I'll print them out and return to you personally. Any fabby ones will get posted!
Bon weekend! ;-)

Madame Levens a dit…

See if this helps!

abroad - à l'étranger
une bonne idée
un chemin - a path
un moyen - a way
beaucoup ALWAYS PLUS de
cela me donne
bonne = feminine, bon = masculine