mardi, avril 17, 2007

Negatives - not!

Okay guys here's some examples for you to try. Remember the negative phrase goes around the 1st verb. And think about tenses and endings for Part B.
I'll try to keep them fairly simple on account of your moany faces today :-(
Kiddin on!

Part A - make the following sentences negative by using the appropriate negative phrase; afterwards, write out each one in English.

1. je regarde la télé (not)

2. il a regardé la télé (never)

3. elle portait un maillot de bain (only)

4. c'était nul (no longer)

5. elle habite en Espagne et en France (neither, nor)

Part B - write out the following phrases in French.

1. they would never watch TV

2. I didn't go clubbing

3. my dad doesn't wash the car anymore

4. she hardly ate the chips

5. you were doing nothing

1 commentaire:

Madame Levens a dit…

If you need some help with part B read this...

1. conditional tense
2. perfect tense
3. present tense
4. perfect tense
5. imperfect tense