dimanche, novembre 28, 2010

R8 my m8s! Chart my chat!! Track my talk! Whatever...

Okay folks, here's a couple of short examples to get you started. As soon as your confident, get a paragraph or two on yourself. Once we get into the swing, I'll put some real examples of actually Speaking Assessments for you to have a listen to - but only when we've all posted :-)

And remember, post your comments on the blog!

Pres 1

Pres 2

7 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Pres 1: + Pronunciation is good

Pres 2: + fluent
+ Intonation makes it easier to understand
- Volume kept differenciating

Anonyme a dit…

Pres 1; good, clear pronouciation
easily understandable i.e. recognise key phrases from passages in class
x; lacking intonation in some parts

Pres 2; better intonation and therefore slightly easier to understand
recognised key phrases from class
x; french accent wasn't very clear in the first part of the excerpt.

Laura Connaway

Emily D a dit…

Example one:

* Very good use of vocabulary, so good I couldn't understand at parts.

* Clear use of intonation

> Maybe slow down a little, but not that much to improve on that I can hear.

Example two:

*I could understand it very well

*Clear use of intonation, I heard the voice go up and down and it was fairly interesting to listen to.

> Nothing really to improve on either...use more ranged vocabulary?

Anonyme a dit…

Pres 1

+ good speed - understandable
+ clear
- louder

Pres 2

+ good inotation
+ good pronunciation

Jordan Watson

Anonyme a dit…

Pres 1- Good pronunciation
Good Information

Pres 2 - Very clear
Good innotation

Zoe Taylor

Anonyme a dit…

Passage 1

* - clear pronunciation of words which made it easier to pick out key phrases that we already know.

x - Some parts were a little fast so it was hard to pick out seperate words.

Passage 2

* - Good use of intonation made it easier to translate what was being said.
* - Slower

x - In some parts it was hard to make out what was being said, the volume was chaging from loud to quiet.

Zoe Totten

kimberley gibson a dit…

Passage one...

+ clear pronuncation of some words, makes it easier to understand
+ good speed

- somewords were a bit fast and confused me at some points

Passage two...

+ good innotation, makes it interesting
+recognised some of the phrases from in class

- french accent wasnt very good in the first bit although it helped me to understand it more.

Kimberley Gibson :)