mercredi, décembre 08, 2010

R8 my m8s!

Nous voilà!

Let's get cracking 'n' see if the technology will work...

Click this link

to the wiki page and follow the instructions to upload your files. We can also listen to other people's presentations there, but remember to comment on this page!

Give the name of the file you're commenting on and remember, this is all about helping each other, so it's important to be positive but also to be honest - 2 stars and a wish.

Why? Because you're worth it....

3 commentaires:

Emily D a dit…

* Very good accent and intonation
I heard phrases that we have used in class
- The accent made it kind of hard to understand words sometimes.

Anonyme a dit…

Comments on file 1;

Really good, clear and expressive intonation made the excerpt much easier to understand.
Convincing french accent.
Recognised key phrses covered in class during the grandparents topic.

Just a few words that were mispronounced - on the whole very good.

Laura Connaway

Anonyme a dit…

2 stars
good inotation
good information

1 wish
better pronunciation

Zoe Taylor